Thank you, Mika

Okay, I don't... exactly know where to start from.
I love Mika since forever. I don't often smile or dance, but his music makes me do both things and for this I will be forever grateful to him. Wheter it's Love Today or Grace Kelly or Lola, I just find the sudden need to jump around. I have my theory according to which special people are sent by a Divine Entity (I don't know if you believe in God, I do) to make our life more enjoyable, they're a unique kind of angels on Earth that bring us happiness just with their existence. I think Mika is one of them, at least for me he is.
There are days in which I'm utterly depressed but then We are golden starts to play and I tell myself 'Hey Mari, stop crying' to start singing like a complete fool with tears in my eyes.
So, here's my heartfelt 'thank you for everything, Mika'. I really mean it.

That said, here's my photo report of his concert in Padova for The Origin of Love tour :)
Amazing show, amazing voice, amazing Mika ♥
At the concert in Vigevano I couldn't take my camera in, because I was stupid and asked the security and obviously they told me no :') I can't understand yet why I asked lol
In the end, in a way I was glad I left it outside, so I could just enjoy the concert and avoid caring about the lighting :') but deep inside I have a photographer heart and when I came home there was this small hole in my stomach...
(okay there was also the fact that that I hadn't eaten for two days because I was so nervous as I got a pass for the preview of The Origin of Love in Milan, which was the greatest thing ever, but I guess I subconsciously wanted a printable memory, I can't explain it)
So this time I took like two thousand million pictures! And even managed to jump the whole time :D


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P.S. I avoided putting huge watermarks on  my pictures because, seriously, Mika is so f*ckin beautiful that I couldn't cover his face in text (:D) but please, if you take some of those pictures link back to my blog ♪

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