Thank you, Mika

Okay, I don't... exactly know where to start from.
I love Mika since forever. I don't often smile or dance, but his music makes me do both things and for this I will be forever grateful to him. Wheter it's Love Today or Grace Kelly or Lola, I just find the sudden need to jump around. I have my theory according to which special people are sent by a Divine Entity (I don't know if you believe in God, I do) to make our life more enjoyable, they're a unique kind of angels on Earth that bring us happiness just with their existence. I think Mika is one of them, at least for me he is.
There are days in which I'm utterly depressed but then We are golden starts to play and I tell myself 'Hey Mari, stop crying' to start singing like a complete fool with tears in my eyes.
So, here's my heartfelt 'thank you for everything, Mika'. I really mean it.

That said, here's my photo report of his concert in Padova for The Origin of Love tour :)
Amazing show, amazing voice, amazing Mika ♥
At the concert in Vigevano I couldn't take my camera in, because I was stupid and asked the security and obviously they told me no :') I can't understand yet why I asked lol
In the end, in a way I was glad I left it outside, so I could just enjoy the concert and avoid caring about the lighting :') but deep inside I have a photographer heart and when I came home there was this small hole in my stomach...
(okay there was also the fact that that I hadn't eaten for two days because I was so nervous as I got a pass for the preview of The Origin of Love in Milan, which was the greatest thing ever, but I guess I subconsciously wanted a printable memory, I can't explain it)
So this time I took like two thousand million pictures! And even managed to jump the whole time :D


Read more to see all pictures »



Quick updates on how beautiful my little tigers are, they get more adorable each day.
Now that I started going to school again (I'm studying new technologies for the Arts in Venice) the time I can spend with them has drastically decreased, and I miss sleeping on the green grass with them and running around as little explorers on our lazy afternoons (I miss summer, too).
Here's a few recent shots of them (no Mini, because those last days when I got out with my camera she wasn't there, but she's fine too :))
How are you?
Thank you for passing by!


October blues

When people said 'enough of this weather' during the last months, when here it was so hot that you thought you could melt like snowmen under the sun, I kept on repeating that I wanted that almost oppressive heat to last till the end of times. Of course, I'm worried about global warming and I'm aware that climate change is a signal of danger, the past summer was probably the hottest and driest (it never rained!) one we experienced since I was born, and IT ISN'T A GOOD THING (and I actually don't want heat all year if that means end of the world) but... I just wanted to say that I (knew I would and I) miss the warmth of the sun like you miss holidays when they're gone.
You can't always have sunny days and you can't have holidays all the time. Sad truth.
I have my theory according to which all people born in spring and summer will love hot weather, while who was born in the cold seasons will prefer cool weather, but I might be wrong.
End of the rainy rambling for today.
Cold weather, I don't hate you, I'm just in a gray mood at the moment, please forgive me.
I know you're beautiful in your own way.

To you all, have a wonderful something wherever you are~

Simone Cristicchi & Funkoff

Italian singer Simone Cristicchi and the marching band Funkoff at the event organized for the 40th anniversary of the foundation of GMA (Gruppo Missioni Africa).
Pictures taken in Montagnana, 8th September 2012. It was the first time I took pictures at a concert, so I hope these aren't too bad. :')
I really wanted to take pictures of MIKA in Vigevano and Milan last summer (he's so beautiful and colorful and magic and amazing) but they didn't let me take my camera in :<
'Read more' for the full post!


Vintage Festival

Went to the Vintage Festival in Padova with my friends Alba, Rossella & Sabrina
As you may notice, I was mostly attracted by the glasses :')

'Read more' for the full post; if interested, soon there'll be pics on my friends'blogs too ;3
And you can find plenty on the Festival's facebook page, linked below!

[vintagefestival.org] [facebook/padovavintagefestival]